Gabriella Matus
Gabriella is a first generation American; her parents having immigrated from the Netherlands in the early 1950’s. The last of six, Sundays were spent hiking in the many local, state and even a national park, all an easy drive from where she grew up in Akron, Ohio. After a ten-year career in New York City managing the business of creating advertising campaigns for clients like American Express and Springmaid Industries, she moved to Egypt for a six-week stint that lasted nearly three years. During this time, she became a PADI IDC Staff Instructor certifying nearly a thousand new scuba divers and many more advanced certifications.
After a six month stop over studying yoga in London, Gabriella moved permanently to the Vail Valley. Here she met another immigrant, this one from South Africa, settled down and began raising her family of two boys. This time saw her working further in marketing and sales around the valley, and at Vail Resorts, adding human resources to her skill set. Now settled comfortably in at Walking Mountains, Gabriella supervises the finance and human resources activities for the organization and is incredibly grateful to be surrounded by such a dedicated and capable staff and board.