
A World Class Environmental Learning Center for Residents and Visitors

At Walking Mountains Science Center we provide locals and visitors from pre-k to gray with opportunities to explore nature, gain a scientific understanding, and learn about the many wonders of our mountain environment through natural science and sustainability programs.

We envision a future where everyone in the community understands the science of nature and is inspired to take action as an environmental steward.

Come explore your curious nature with us at the Avon Tang Campus, Nature Discovery Center on Vail Mountain or Vail Nature Center!

The Latest

  • What's Squeaking In The Mountains? Pika or Marmots?
    With summer in full swing, many of us are exploring new and familiar trails. As we ascend toward mountain peaks, our ears might catch unfamiliar chirping or squeaking sounds. These curious sounds suggest the presence of some of the most popular alpine mammals: Yellow-bellied Marmots and American Pikas. These little... Read more
    Published on: 2024-07-17
  • Finding Your Sense of Wonder
    Think back to a time when you felt connected to nature as a child. What did you observe or discover? Who was with you? What was meaningful about that experience? How did it shape how you interact with nature as an adult? “A child’s world is fresh and new and... Read more
    Published on: 2024-07-15
  • Reflections on the Foley Graduate Fellowship: Growth, Gratitude and Moving Forward
    The Walking Mountains Foley Graduate Fellowship is a two-year, three-month program where educators teach school programs, summer camps and afterschool programs while earning their Master’s in Science Education from the University of Northern Colorado. In July, the educator team will narrow from twelve to eight as four of us graduate.... Read more
    Published on: 2024-07-01