Local Foodshed Production Map
A foodshed is the geographic area that food moves through to get from production to the plate. A local foodshed is generally considered to span a 100-mile radius. The Town of Eagle, the county seat, was used for the central point of Eagle County’s Foodshed Map.
The foodshed production map is an informational tool that allows consumers, farmers, chefs, restaurants, policymakers, planners, and community members to make more conscious food choices. Access to fresh food builds health and wellness while strengthening community & supporting our local economy.
While there is some agriculture and food production in Eagle County, it is not one of the state’s main agricultural regions. This foodshed Map highlights the main nearby agricultural hubs of Palisade, Paonia, and Hotchkiss, although there are farms, ranches, and food production operations throughout Eagle, Routt, Chaffee, and Pitkin Counties. There are other agricultural hubs within the state, including in Boulder County, Larimer County, Weld County, and throughout Eastern and Southwest Colorado. However, those agricultural hubs are outside of the 100-mile radius of a Foodshed Map, and are therefore not shown here.
Local producers listed on the map may or may not sell directly to consumers. This map is not final or conclusive; farmers and producers are constantly evolving, so be sure to contact a producer directly to confirm services.
The Community Market
The Community Market is a partnership of Eagle Valley Community Foundation, Food Bank of the Rockies, Eagle County government, Vail Resorts, a number of community non profit groups and other entities that provide local food assistance.Composting
Learn more about composting and reducing food waste.Find Local Food
Regenerative Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture
Slow Food USA
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A Guide to Food Production and Sustainability
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