Kindergarten-1st Grade Earth Explorers Camps
For students entering Kindergarten-1st grade, each week introduces new science themes for our younger explorers who are just getting comfortable in the outdoors. We will stay on the campus of Walking Mountains, using the nature loop trails and indoor and outdoor classrooms to explore. Activities are different each day, but include hiking, crafts, and cool experiments!
Youth attending Earth Explorers need to be toilet-trained and able to carry their own backpack (with their lunch and a change of clothes in it) on their own.
Earth Explorers camps are 2-day sessions, running either Monday/Tuesday or Wednesday/Thursday.
All Earth Explorers programs are located at Walking Mountains in Avon. Click here for directions.
Bugs are the best! Learn all about bugs that live on the land and in the water through two observation and exploration filled days!
Monday, June 16 – Terrestrial: Bug out on the land as we spend our day searching for land-based insects and learning all about their lives.
Tuesday, June 17 – Aquatic: Bug out in the water as we spend our day searching for water-based insects and learning all about their lives.
Who chewed that tree? Who left that pawprint? There are mysteries to solve all around us outside! Join us in being a trail detective to try and piece together some of these suspicious trail clues.
Wednesday, June 18 – Clues and Evidence: Become a detective by learning the skills it takes to solve mysteries.
Thursday, June 19 – Animal Behaviors: Find out why animals leave behind clues. What are they doing, and why are they doing it?
Did you hear? Bird is the word, and if we listen carefully, we can hear the songs the birds are singing! Become a birder during this exploration-based camp, learn about different birds and their behaviors, and make your very own bird-inspired songs.
Monday, June 23 – Be a Birder: Look through binoculars and search high and low for birds while we study their behavior.
Tuesday, June 24 – Bird Songs: Practice listening to the sounds of birds and create some bird-inspired songs of your own.
Bee Kind, Bee Silly, and Bee Adventurous! Harness an appreciation for pollinators by looking closely into nature and learning all about why bees are so important for the Earth while playing games, making art, and exploring outside!
Wednesday, June 25 – ‘Preciate Pollinators: Learn all about what pollinators are, what they do, and why they deserve so much appreciation!
Thursday, June 26 – Flower Power: Figure out how flowers and pollinators rely on each other.
Astronauts assemble! Get ready for the ultimate space mission. Find out what it’s like out in space, build your own rocket, and blast off!
Monday, June 30 – Space is the Place: Go on an astronaut space mission to find out about the different features that make up the universe!
Tuesday, July 1 – Astronauts Assemble: Build your very own rocket ship and blast off all the way into space.
Where do animals live, and how do they build their homes? Spend lots of time sculpting and building habitats and structures inspired by the animals who know the Rocky Mountains as home.
Wednesday, July 2 – Habitats: What is a habitat, and what do animals need to live? Find out while searching for clues outside!
NO CAMP Thursday: July 4th Holiday
Use your observation skills to look high and low! We will follow our feathered and furry friends as we learn to identify the signs they leave for us to find.
Wednesday, July 9 – Animal Detectives: Tackle tracks as you learn to identify signs of local Colorado animals!
Thursday, July 10 – Feathered Friends: Sing like a songbird! We will listen to bird calls, study their specialized feathers, and go on a bird watching adventure of our own.
Animals are some of the most amazing artists! Learn about Rocky Mountain animals who create some very impressive homes, nests, webs, and casings to help them survive. We will make our own art pieces inspired by these animals too!
Monday, July 14 – Animal Artists: Learn about the overlap of art and science, create animal art while learning about Colorado native animals.
Tuesday, July 15 – Animal Architects: Get inspired by some animals who build impressive structures, and create some of your own architecture.
Help us find all the colors of the rainbow in nature, and learn about what weather conditions help rainbows to form while making colorful rainbow art, playing games, and exploring!
Wednesday, July 16 – Colors in Nature: Find all the colors of the rainbow in nature, and make rainbow-inspired art.
Thursday, July 17 – What in the Weather?: What does it take to create a rainbow? Go on a scavenger hunt to find all the ingredients needed to form a rainbow!
Have you ever wondered what’s so wonderful about worms? Wriggle your way through the dirt to discover why these slimy little creatures are so important!
Monday, July 21 – What in the Worm?: Learn about what worms are and the ways they have adapted to navigate through the soil.
Tuesday, July 22 – Worm Waste: It sounds a little silly, but a worm’s waste is ultra important! Learn about vermiculture (worm compost), make an edible cup of dirt, and dig to your heart’s desire.
Put your eyes to the sky as we discover the fascinating world above us. We’ll look to the clouds, colors, and creatures of the sky for inspiration during this fun-filled art, science, and exploration camp!
Wednesday, July 23 – Eyes to the Sky: Make sky-themed art while learning about why the sky is always changing.
Thursday, July 24 – Fly High: Spread your wings and take flight! Find out how our feathered and winged friends soar through the sky.
It’s not quite a plant, and it’s not quite an animal…it’s fungus! Come learn all about what fungus is and why it’s so cool all while exploring!
Monday, July 28 – Fun with Fungus: What is fungus and why do we care about it?
Tuesday, July 29 – Fungi Town: Where can we find fungus and how is it connected to other living things?
Follow the flow of water from the mountains to the rivers and lakes, and learn all about our fantastic fishy friends!
Wednesday, July 30 – Fish for Facts: Go fishing for facts about the local ecosystem where our aquatic friends live.
Thursday, July 31 – Follow the Flow: Follow the flow of water and understand how it is moved through the water cycle.
Do you really dig dinos?! Find out how fossils form and how fossils can be used to figure out what the world may have looked like long ago when dinosaurs roamed the Earth!
Monday, August 4 – Fun with Fossils: Figure out how fossils form, learn about being a paleontologist, and find cool fossils and rocks.
Tuesday, August 5 – Diggin’ Dinos: From fossils, predict what ancient dinosaurs may have looked like, and learn all about dinos!
Colorado is home to some very cool cats! Learn about the three big cats who know the Rocky Mountains as their home and their special adaptations which help them survive here.
Wednesday, August 6 – Cats are Carnivores: Learn about which cats live in Colorado, and the special qualities that make them predators.
Thursday, August 7 – Surviving and Thriving: Learn about Colorado Cats’ cool adaptations and how they survive in the Meowntains!
Learn about some rad reptiles and awesome amphibians while exploring in this exciting science-adventure camp.
Monday, August 11 – Rad Reptiles: Lizards, snakes, and turtles! Learn about the reptiles that live in Colorado.
Tuesday, August 12 – Awesome Amphibians: Slimy salamanders and frumpy frogs- find out what amphibians are and which ones can be found in Colorado.
Descend the mountains and you may find yourself in the high desert. Discover the incredible plants and animals that live in the deserts of Colorado and how they survive the hot heat!
Wednesday August 13 – Desert Living: Learn what plants and animals live in the high deserts of Colorado.
Thursday, August 14 – It’s Hot Out!: Explore the ways that animals have adapted to thrive in the hot heat. Harness the sun’s energy to make a solar oven and solar art.